Sunday, August 3, 2008

Moving really really sucks!

I'm sooooo tired today! I've been moving all weekend....well I guess not all weekend, but it really feels that way. My brother and his future wife are moving out this way, so I made 2 trips out to Stafford, VA (where they will be living...and where they so graciously have allowed me to store my stuff). I don't have that much stuff, but enough to be a pain anyways. How does one person acquire so much in 30 years.....makes me nervous about the amount of crap I will accumulate in the next 30 years.

I zonked out at about 10 last night because I was so beat from moving. My sister and Cat helped me...thank goodness. Now I'm sitting here, trying to get some motivation to pack and sort a little more. I leave in 6 days. WOW.....time has flown by. I'm too tired to be excited right at the moment, but I'm getting there.

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